Now it's time to sort out the difference between, among other things, whey protein concentrate and whey protein isolate! How do the most popular milk protein varieties differ in taste and price, and for whom is it justified to choose a more expensive variety? We put the strength of our stomachs to the test to clear up the question for you! The film was made in collaboration with Gymgrossisten. We were not paid to make the film, but had the nine bags of protein powder sent to us for free. =) The following protein from Star Nutrition was tested: Whey-80: http://bit.ly/2yzc0yf Whey-100: http://bit.ly/2yzHOmA Ultimate Hydro Whey: http://bit.ly/2fFDCxS Ultimate Whey Protein: http://bit.ly/2yN22dx Supreme Any Time Protein: http://bit.ly/2xQo29i Note! Affiliate links. *** Do you like our movies? Please give them a thumbs up! :) *** T-shirts & underwear: http://styrkelabbet.spreadshirt.se/ Bench press Boogie: 6 week training program for bench press: http://www.styrkelabbet.se/bankpressb... How to burn fat and build muscles: http://www.styrkelabbet.se/brann-fett... The handbook for effective weight loss: http://www.styrkelabbet.se/handboken-... The dietary supplements we use: http://www.styrkelabbet. see/addition... Training accessories & aids: http://www.styrkelabbet.se/traningsre...