The story revolves around Princess Lena who is kidnapped by an evil witch named Zerna on the night of her first birthday, after a mysterious prophecy warned that she would be in danger. In an attempt to protect their daughter, the king and queen strive to search for her, but to no avail. Zerna takes the princess to her enchanted tower in the big forest, where she plans to raise her magically to make her part of her power. But the princess, despite the witch's magic, has a kind heart and a mind that rejects the magic that surrounds her. After years of sadness in the kingdom, Kamal, a brave knight who dreams of adventure, appears. He hears about the story of the missing princess and decides to search for her. Over time, he meets a wise old man who gives him a magical tool and teaches him how to confront Zerna's powers. Kamal faces great challenges in the forest and breaks many magical traps that Zerna has set to protect the tower. In a long adventure, Kamal reaches the enchanted tower where he meets Princess Lena who has lost her memory due to Zerna's magic. Over time, Kamal is able to break the magic and restore the princess's memories. But things don't end there, as Zerna tries to stop them from escaping, leading to a fierce battle in the forest. After many confrontations and great sacrifices from Kamal, the situation turns in his favor, as he manages to defeat Zerna and free the princess. Kamal and Lina return to the kingdom, where they are received with joy by the king and queen, and a new chapter of peace and prosperity begins in the kingdom. The story carries messages about courage, sacrifice, and the importance of hope in difficult times. It also highlights the true strength of human relationships, which overcome the forces of evil and major challenges. #story #vidio #stories_and_tales #story #tales #bedtime_stories #funny #movie #stories