The story revolves around Sami, a famous antiques dealer in the city, who begins to notice a mysterious robbery taking place in his store, where the thief disappears without a trace. He later discovers that the thief is called Adam, who does not seem to be an ordinary thief, but rather someone who moves with exceptional skill and leaves behind only questions without answers. Over time, Sami begins to try to understand this mysterious thief, and discovers that Adam is not just an ordinary thief looking for money, but a deep person suffering from an inner void and seeking to find something missing in his life. Confrontations begin between Sami and Adam, and they exchange talk about escaping from the self and inner pain. Sami realizes that Adam is not looking for money, but for a greater meaning or purpose in his life. In the end, after tense confrontations and multiple situations, Sami concludes that Adam was on a personal journey, searching for answers to deep questions about himself and his life. Adam eventually disappears again, leaving Sami confused. Sami does not find a clear answer about whether Adam is a thief or a lost person, but the story leaves the ending open. Main Moral: The story explores themes such as escaping oneself, finding inner peace, and understanding others. It shows that life is not always filled with clear answers, and that some questions remain unanswered. #story #vidio #stories #storiesandstories #story #bedtimestories #funny #movie #stories #Arabicstories