Jairo was my student in the mentoring program and shared with us in this series of 4 videos his study journey and what it has been like to work in the PRF. For those of you who also dream of passing the exam, I put together a complete guide with step-by-step instructions for studying alone for the exam. Everything I did to pass my 4 exams and what I teach in the individual mentoring program is in this guide. Click on the link: https://camilaguesine.com.br/ On my Telegram channel, I post information about studying and important reflections for you to keep up with your study routine. Go there: https://t.me/joinchat/TM7QoVvquU8TM6VJ Link to Jairo's Instagram: / jairommelo Link to my Instagram: / camilaguesine #concursopublico #comoestudarparaconcurso #comoestudarsozinho #concursoprf