POSTGRADUATE COURSE IN BIBLE INTERPRETATION AND ARCHAEOLOGY WITH RODRIGO SILVA! SIGN UP HERE: https://r.oprimorico.com.br/8dbda1ccea SUBSCRIBE TO FINCLASS WITH 50% DISCOUNT ON FINDAY: https://finc.ly/90219fb72b PORTFEL: MAKE YOUR FINANCIAL PLANNING NOW! https://cloud.mail.oprimorico.com.br/... Playlist of biblical episodes with Rodrigo Silva! • STORY OF KING SOLOMON (Rodrigo Silv... ???? LISTEN TO THE FULL EPISODE IN AUDIO: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1KE7... The story of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Today, we will explore the life and teachings of the most influential and transformative figure who ever walked the Earth, whose legacy transcends borders, cultures and times: Jesus Christ. The Messiah did not stand out for material riches, but for a message of love, hope and salvation that continues to echo and inspire billions of people around the world, 2 millennia after his time on Earth. The table where he ate. The bed where he slept. Even the crib where he was placed when he was born were borrowed. Even though he owned everything! To delve into this story, we are here for the 5th time on PrimoCast with: Rodrigo Silva: Doctor of Biblical Theology, philosopher, Doctor of archaeology and specialist in biblical archaeology and Curator of MAB - Museum of Biblical Archaeology of South America. In addition, we are here with Kaique and Lucão, who are already in the end-of-year mood, waiting for the recess at the office. Host: Thiago Nigro @thiago.nigro Guest: Rodrigo Silva @rodrigosilvaarqueologia Primo's Team: Kaique @kaique.editor and Lucão @lucaszafraa Your brand on PrimoCast: [email protected] 00:00 - LIVE 1:49 - BEGINNING 9:02 - (PART 1) INTRODUCTION TO THE STORY OF JESUS; 17:04 - EVIDENCE OF JESUS' EXISTENCE; 33:32 - THE BIRTH OF JESUS; 43:58 - MARY RECEIVES THE NEWS THAT SHE WILL HAVE JESUS; 49:07 - HOW DID JOSEPH DEAL WITH MARY'S PREGNANCY? 1:14:03 - WHY DID GOD COME DOWN TO EARTH AS JESUS? 1:24:37 - THE TRUTH ABOUT THE CHRISTMAS CRIB; 1:48:57 - THE BIGGEST MYTHS ABOUT JESUS 2:04:23 - THE TRUE MEANING OF EASTER 2:06:02 - WAS JESUS GOD OR JUST A MAN? 2:33:39 - THE TESTIMONY OF THIAGO NIGRO 3:18:27 - (PART 2) THE MINISTRY OF JESUS 2:52:37 - JESUS IS TEMPTED IN THE DESERT BY THE DEVIL 3:33:00 - JESUS' FIRST MIRACLE 3:42:38 - IS ALCOHOLIC DRINKING A SIN? 3:23:16 - MIRACLES: WHY DIDN'T JESUS HEAL EVERYONE? 3:59:33 - THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT 5:13:26 - (PART 3) CRUCIFIXION AND RESURRECTION OF JESUS 5:12:12 - WHAT IS THE GREAT CONFLICT OF THE BIBLE? 5:19:54 - JESUS' LAST SUPPER 5:31:27 - DO THIS TO KEEP DEMONS AWAY 5:58:54 - WHY DID JUDAS BETRAY JESUS? 6:06:39 - WHY WAS JESUS CHRIST SACRIFICED? #oprimorico#thiagonigro#primocast#reels#podcast#jesus#christmas#history#jesuschrist#rodrigosilva