The incident of Hazrat Bibi Fatima's patience! The incident of Bibi Fatima's poverty Today in this video we are going to tell you the incident of the hunger strike of the beloved Prophet and his daughter Hazrat Bibi Fatima, in which we will tell the incident of the patience of the family of Prophet, that how Bibi Fatima used to tie stones on her stomach to tolerate food and when our Prophet Mohammad also tied how many stones on his stomach to tolerate food, then you will know in this video, so watch the whole video and do share it with friends. #SAAHIN #noorehadees #islamicvideo #sabaqamozWaqia #HazratFatimaKaSabar The incident of Hazrat Bibi Fatima's patience, the incident of poverty of Bibi Fatima, the incident of poverty of Hazrat Fatima, the incident of patience of Hazrat Bibi Fatima! The incident of poverty of Bibi Fatima, patience of Fatima, the incident of patience of Hazrat Bibi Fatima, the incident of poverty of Hazrat Bibi Fatima, the incident of poverty of Hazrat Bibi Fatima, the incident of Hazrat Ali's anger with Bibi Fatima, the complete story of Bibi Fatima, the incident of patience of Bibi Fatima, the incident of 4 rotis