TECHNICAL INFORMATION: Direction: Luccas Neto Cinematographer: Luiz Mad Second Camera: Guilherme Gonçalves (Guijo) Art Coordination: Roni Ficher Script Direction: Luccas Neto Screenwriters: Adriana Brandão and Andressa Tristão Artistic Production: Malu Aguiar Artistic Production Assistant: Leonardo Brito Executive Production Coordination Theodora Chevalier Production Supervision: Márcio Magalhães Production Assistant: Leandro Siqueira, Dayane Oliveira and Karol Alves Editing and Finalization: David Israel, Vitor Foguel and Pablo Gonzalez MAKE IT SHINE (Vanessa Alves / Luccas Neto / Jafi Augusto) I KNOW A BEAUTIFUL PLACE THAT ALMOST NOBODY SEES USE YOUR IMAGINATION TO FIND A CHILD'S SMILE IT SHOWED ME THAT LOVE ACCOMPLISHES EVERYTHING IF I BELIEVE IN IT PRINCE AN ADVENTURER I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT BELIEVE IN MAGIC IN EVERYTHING YOU DO MAKE THIS LIGHT SHINE LET THE DAY DAWN MAKE THIS VOICE SING LET THE DREAM HAPPEN THE MOST BEAUTIFUL STORY WE WILL EVER LIVE IT WAS ALREADY WRITTEN BY YOU CAST: Blue Adventurer: Luccas Neto Queen of Hearts: Giovanna Alparone Coelho: Roni Ficher Alice: Jéssica Diehl ATTENTION: The content is not part of any type of advertising content. All material produced in this video is for the entertainment of fans. I hope you enjoy it! Everyone using their imagination and creativity to live in a world of magic and fantasy! All minors who participate in this video are accompanied by their legal guardians, on the film set, during recording. If the legal representative is not the father himself, he will have been formally appointed, by contract, by the parents or guardians to represent them in the recordings. Attention: Giovanna Alparone is a contracted actress, with image rights reserved by her agency. All rights reserved to Luccas Neto Estudio Original