There are 19 10-car E233-2000-series trains belonging to the Matsudo Rolling Stock Center, which run on the Joban Local Line, Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line, and even Odakyu Electric Railway. One-man operation is scheduled to begin on the line from the timetable change in March 2025, and 17 trains have been modified to accommodate this. The remaining trains were the Mato 2 and Mato 11, and the Mato 2 train was sent to the Nagano General Rolling Stock Center on November 5th, about a month and a half ago. This time, it was sent to its assigned destination on the same route. This train, which is also used on subways in the city center, arrived at a station along the mountain, and happened to stop for a few minutes, so we're taking a look at it. Is the modification work being done like the other trains? If it is not modified, it will not be able to be used after the timetable change in March 2025, so it is rumored that it will be transferred to another location. #Joban Line #Tokyo Metro #Chiyoda Line #Odakyu Electric Railway #E233 SeriesTwitter / kitsunekita0121