States and Secrets of Our Heart Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz. Audio Book (Marifetname) #marifetname #hearteye #zodiac signs #mind #audiobook #erzurumluibrahimhakkı * Dear Followers, We continue to publish Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz's work called Marifetname in sections for you. We are together with Heart and Mind, the 4th Subject of the 2nd Volume of the book, which we present to you in Audio Book format. If you would like to listen to the sections of Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz's work called Marifetname that have been published on our channel, you can visit the playback link below. Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı Hz: Audio Library Marifetname: • Marifetname / Erzurumlu İbrahim Hakkı... * A passage from the section: The body is leather in need of tanning (processing). The soul is a mount in need of food too much to die. The heart is a mosque in need of repair. The heart is the capital of accepting divine commands. But it is busy with suspicions. A person who watches over the dangers in his heart like a very careful guard is innocent in the works of his organs. The hearts of the people of unity are the bowls of knowledge and love. Seeing is the eye, observing is the heart, and mukashahah is related to secrets (esrar). Because if the work and actions are from the heart, the limbs and organs are also at ease. Do not think that the elevation of the friends of Allah is through their words and worships. Their elevation is through their hearts and actions. A perfect person said, “I was busy guarding my heart for two years. Then I found comfort by being among those who are guarded.” The heart is the source of faith. The heart (Fuad) is the hearth of monotheism and wisdom. The heart is the place of peace. The heart (Fuad) is the city of light. Know the first, know the last, know the outward, know the inward. Then you will understand what the four elements of the heart are made of. For this reason, the universal intellect is, first of all, more valuable than anything else. It is the closest and most beloved thing to God Almighty. It is the support of the entire world. It is the beginning of the human soul. It is the life of the heart of the people of wisdom. With it, man can attain knowledge of Allah. Therefore, everything in the universe is at the service of man. The fact that the people of wisdom who are honored with the universal intellect of the human species are stingy is evidence of this meaning. Indeed, the address, “If it were not for you, I would not have created the worlds,” is to honor the glory of pure souls. Because this universal intellect is the relative soul. It is the light of Muhammad and divine love. If the boundless skies, stars, elements, natures, plants and animals could settle inside man, if it were possible for him to have knowledge of them in his heart; none of these spheres, elements and universe would come into being. Man, who kills his animal spirit, finds the ability to remain alive and eternal with this divine spirit. He remains eternal with it. He sees all things exactly as they are and reaches the truth of the conditions. He knows where he came from and where he is going. He completes the stages of his body and becomes a perfect man. Because the human spirit first descended from this spirit and came to the stages of existence (meratib-i vücûd), which descended from the spheres and elements to the lower ones. He ascended and emerged from the three principles (mavalid-i selâse) and took the form of a man. He finds this spirit in his own state again and reaches it again * Join this channel to benefit from the privileges: / @antikkutuphanetasavvuf