Did you know that the spirit world is a vibrant reality that is parallel to our own? In this video, we explore Question 84 from Allan Kardec's The Spirits' Book: "Do spirits constitute a world apart from the one we see?" Discover how Spiritism reveals the existence of the spirit world and how it interacts with us in our daily lives. ???? We will understand the importance of this truth and how it connects us to the invisible plane, bringing comfort, learning, and hope. In addition, I share a powerful testimony that proves the continuity of life after death. ???? Share your experiences or reflections on the spirit world in the comments. Your story can inspire others! ???? Subscribe to Portal Espiritual Brasil for more videos about The Spirits' Book, prayers, and reflections that illuminate our spiritual journey. ???? • Do Spirits Have an End? Discover the Answer... #spiritism #spiritualworld #allankardec #thebookofspirits #lifeafterdeath #spiritualdoctrine #spiritualanswer #kardec / @portalespiritualbrasil