Shalom Famille Vases d'Honneur online, Welcome to the 4th Weekend Service of the Vases d'Honneur church center Kodesh. May our thirsty hearts be quenched during this moment by the HOLY SPIRIT. Remain blessed! ????️Speaker: Pst Mohammed SANOGO ???? Theme: THE SPECIFIC FAITH THAT PRODUCES THE INSTANT MIRACLE ????Date: 06/10/2024 1. You have not yet accepted JESUS? Do it now! Send YES on whatsapp +225 05 020 918 65 or scan the QR code or click on this link https://ouiajesus.vasesdhonneur.org/ 2. Is this your first time connecting? Send NEW on whatsApp +225 05 020 918 65 or scan the QR code 3. You can participate in supporting this work by bringing your tithe, your offerings or your seeds via the following link: https://vasesdhonneur.org/#block-dime 4. God has done a miracle for you and you want to share your testimony with the body of Christ? Write to us at the following address: [email protected] 5. Grow your intimacy with God daily by downloading the MyDevo application on Google Play: https://bit.ly/3IVRIo4