The film is set against the backdrop of the Russo-Swedish War of 1709. Europe is torn apart by civil wars. France is still ruled by the aging Louis XIV, and the exploits of the Musketeers have not yet been forgotten. In Versailles, two French noblemen, having quarreled over a card game, violate the existing ban on duels and find themselves between prison and the executioner's block. By the grace of the king, the execution is replaced by exile "for the benefit of the state." One of them must go to serve at the court of the Russian Tsar Peter the Great, the other - to the court of the Swedish King Charles XII, to spy for France. Russia and Sweden are at war, and the heroes must arrive at their destinations just before the Battle of Poltava... War films and TV series: / @military_movies Crime films and TV series: / @filmscriminal Female Detective: / @femaledetectives Action: / @ostrosyzhetnoe PRIORITY Cinema: / @prior_group Soviet Films: / @filmi_nashei_molodosti