Speck dumplings - recipe by Karl Baumgartner For 4 people (approx. 8 dumplings): 500 g stale bread or dumpling bread 3 shallots, finely chopped 100 g diced bacon 1 diced smoked sausage 1 leek 4 eggs 40 g flour 100 ml milk 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley 1 tbsp finely chopped chives Salt, pepper and olive oil Dice the bread. Finely chop the leek, chives and parsley. Mix the flour with the bread and add the milk. Take the shallots, dice them and fry them in oil together with the leek. Mix these with the dough and add the chives and parsley. Mix in the eggs and mix until smooth. Leave the mixture to rest for approx. 15 minutes. Form the dumplings and cook them in salted water. Cooking time: 20 minutes https://www.suedtirol.info/it/it/enog... Speckknödel -- Rezept von Karl Baumgartner For 4 people (approx. 8 Knödel): 500 g schnittfestes Weißbrot oder Knödelbrot 3 feingeschnittene Schalotten 100 g Speck in Würfel geschnitten 1 Kaminwurze in Würfel geschnitten 1 Lauch 4 Eier 40 g Mehl 100 ml Milch 1 EL Petersilie fine geschnitten 1 EL Schnittlauch fine geschnitten Salz, Pfeffer und Olivenöl Das Brot in Würfel schneiden. Lauch, Schnittlauch und Petersilie fine schneiden. The meat is best and the milk is best. The Schalotten zusammen with the Lauch im Öl dünsten. This zum Teig hinzufügen sowie Schnittlauch und Petersilie. Die Eier dazugeben und einen homogenen Teig formen. Die Teigmasse 15 Minuten ruhen lassen. Knödel daraus formen und in Salzwasser kochen lassen. Kochdauer: 20 Minuten https://www.suedtirol.info/de/de/esse... Bacon dumplings -- Recipe by Karl Baumgartner For 4 people (approx. 8 dumplings): 500 g firm white bread or dumpling bread 3 finely chopped shallots 100 g diced bacon 1 diced chimney sausage 1 leek 4 eggs 40 g flour 100 ml milk 1 tbsp finely chopped parsley 1 tbsp finely chopped chives Salt, pepper and olive oil Cut the bread into cubes. Finely chop the leek, chives and parsley. Add the flour to the bread and add the milk. Sauté the shallots in the oil with the leek. Add these to the dough, along with the chives and parsley. Add the eggs and form a homogeneous dough. Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes. Shape into dumplings and boil in salted water. Cooking time: 20 minutes https://www.suedtirol.info/en/en/eati...