There is a piece of music that in barracks marks the end of the day, the moment of rest. In Italy it is called Il Silenzio - and it is the same in many other countries - and in times of war it is the trumpet that salutes the fallen, as a sort of last farewell that living soldiers address to their dead comrades. The project that Italy is presenting was born from an idea by the journalist and writer Paolo Rumiz and calls upon all the States involved: on July 27, 2014, one day before the exact one hundred years since the outbreak of the First World War, trumpeters from every nation will play this piece in the most significant places in their homeland - for historical, war or cultural events. A due act of reverence, of memory, of love, in the only language that everyone knows and shares: Music. [text from: http://goo.gl/mbxjOw ] Memorable. The video made with a cell phone cannot convey the vibrations and emotions. It wasn't the rain that sent shivers down my spine.