The story of two young people who love each other very much and a father who opposes this love... The beautiful Ummu has reached the age of marriage. Her father Cemil Aga has seen fit for his daughter to marry the son of Recep Aga, who is as rich as himself. However, Ummu's heart is with Mehmet, who works as a farmhand, and the two lovers have been meeting secretly for a long time. When Cemil Aga hears that Mehmet, who works for him, wants to marry his daughter, he goes crazy and opposes this love to the death. He speeds up the wedding preparations upon the promise he made to Recep Aga. Ummu and Mehmet are helplessly moving towards the disasters that await them. Director: Zeynep Tor, Screenplay: Mesut Esef, Music: Fatih Ihlamur, Cast: Ayçın Tüyün, Serkan Kuru, Ümit Acar, Ayşegül Ünsal, İlter Genay and Ayhan Eroğlu, Production: Kanal 7, Genre: Drama