Try Indilight too! Subscribe: / indilight_official Buy an apartment profitably with the "Good price" mark on Avito: https://clc.to/OLM_Lw --- An intellectual and humorous quiz, where comedians try to answer Kostya Pushkin's difficult questions in simple words to understand who of them is the smartest, most reasoned and most worthy of taking the cash prize! Today's episode features Sasha Maloy, Danila Poperechny, Nadezhda Sysoeva and Luka Khinikadze. Kostya's performances: https://standupclub.ru/comedian/konst... Maloy's performances (going on tour!): https://standupclub.ru/comedian/sasa-... Do you want your question to be heard on the show? Send your options here [email protected] You must indicate: question, answer, source of information. If your question is included in the episode, we will give you a gift! We kindly ask you not to send well-known memes and already formulated questions from various publics (we already know all this). It is advisable to indicate your name, city, what you do for a living/where you study and attach your photo to the letter (as in “what? where? when?”). Become a sponsor of the channel: / @standupclubru We are on social networks: https://t.me/standupclubru https://vk.com/standupclubru / standupclubru / standupclubru / standupclubru / standupclubru https://standupclub.ru