???? Are you thinking of having your first #Betta fish in a #fishtank❓ https://myshrimphouse.com/blog/acuari... You don't know what you need or should do to make it perfect❓ ????Don't worry about anything, here we leave you a very simple video of how to make your first #planted aquarium for your new pet. You will be able to see one by one all the materials that we have used for its construction. ➡️Aquarium -- https://myshrimphouse.com/acuariofili... ➡️Substrate -- https://myshrimphouse.com/acuariofili... ➡️Decoration -- https://myshrimphouse.com/acuariofili... ➡️Plants -- https://myshrimphouse.com/acuariofili... ➡️Water products -- https://myshrimphouse.com/acuariofili...