This Indonesian film released in 1971 tells the story of the tyranny of Mustofa (A. Hamid Arief) and his men, making his lime factory employees helpless. On the other hand, a village is controlled by rogues led by a hero who is also a loan shark, so that many residents are trapped in debt, including the parents of Sadiah (Mila Karmila), Harun's girlfriend (Wahab Abdi), the son of a widow. When Sadiah's parents' buffalo was taken by force to pay off the debt, Harun tried to resist, but lost. So Harun went to study martial arts for a year at the Sumur Tujuh school. Here, every time he passed one level, he was bathed in a well. He also received a sacred keris from his meditation. After succeeding, Harun returned home and became even more furious seeing Sadiah forced to become Mustofa's pet. The toughness of the Sumur Tudjuh martial arts was proven. Mustofa, who ran to his factory, died when the lime factory was blown up with dynamite. Don't forget to always Share, Comment and Subscribe.. There will be lots of new content from Rumah Film Indonesia #RumahFilmIndonesia