#LostArk #LostArkSeason3 #Eokmonic 00:00 Today's topic 00:37 (Before the 10.23 balance patch) (Hand) Meter official damage proportion 02:27 Single blow vs. All-out strike 04:14 Cruel Cutter double-edged strike vs. Ground attack 05:31 Demolition/Thrust Impact/Sharp Cut 08:04 Master of surprise 09:18 Arc passive 11:39 Critical 99% vs. 109% 13:49 Demon Vision vs. Genocide 14:38 Thrust Impact 16:03 Rune/Gem/TFO 16:42 Critical hit vs. Master 17:30 ✨ One-shot summary 20:13 Cycle broadcast date: 10.25 Please subscribe and like. Chijijik Channel: https://chzzk.me/portia Business and advertising inquiries: [email protected] -------------------------------------------------------