Parting Now for the parting, come my son, let's kiss because we have life and death, who knows, my son, if we will meet again, come, come, my little partridge, in my little hands. Me here and you elsewhere, with dreams, my son, we will live Help, Christ and Panagia Help Let's get together again, come, come, as I tell you, don't bully me and cry. The time has come, my children, for us to leave, to our homes, my son, let's go next year, let's be good, here again, my son, to party. I DID NOT DRINK WINE. I didn't drink wine or ouzo to get drunk. Now I drink both to forget you. You were the one who told me if you don't see me, you'll die. Now you come back and tell me where you saw me, where you know me.