You are not alone. These are the most important words that can be said and heard. They are so strong, so magical that you don't need much context, you don't even need to know each other, actually. They have a power that goes beyond their own meaning, a power that all the other sentences don't have. Which one? We believe them. You, if I tell them to you, believe them. For a moment maybe, it's true, you believe them. Yet we never say it. We don't say it to others, we don't say it to ourselves. Why? Business & Career Coach with over 20 million clicks, she has already had several lives under her belt. Professionally trained in Milan, after graduating and a Master in Behavioral Analysis Techniques and Methods, she built a career on two strands: a creative one (digital artist, actress, director) and a strategic marketing one, both classic and digital. She works with the biggest Italian and international brands and has helped create the most famous names in the new Italian digital and offline entrepreneurship. In 2017, the international press agency AFP elected her best Italian Digital Artist. Since 2021, her Business Online video course has become a curricular subject, Italian ITET study plan, classes from 16 to 18 years old. She has published two books in 18 months: "Il Libricino della Felicità" (independently published) and "Non voglio più piacere a tutti" (Vallardi), both of which have become Best Sellers and she founded an anonymous, independent and free social network. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx