Golden hamster ♂️ Bochan was born in June 2020 and we welcomed him in August 2020. At around 11:30 pm on Sunday, January 29, 2023, he took his last breath as if he was sleeping and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was 2 years and 8 months old in 2 days. He was not sick or breathing hard, and he fell asleep as if he had reached the end of his life. He was a very cute hamster. He was a bit of a strange hamster, and he didn't respond to my name or when I called him out, he didn't use the pulley much as it was supposed to, he just sat there, he stared at the wall in the middle of the night, he sat in front of his food and water, and he seemed to live at his own pace. I thought the video only gave a rough explanation, so I'll write it here. The secret to a long life is: 1. A stress-free environment (quiet, clean, don't touch too much, large space) 2. Think about food (vegetables, fruits, and the amount you give) 3. Replace water, toilet, and food with new ones every morning. I did the above. I hope that your family member Hamu-chan can spend every day and every second happily with you all. Thank you for reading this long video and explanation.