The final episode of the Kagawa udon trip with Black Mayonnaise's Kosugi and Takizawa Karen! The inside story behind the formation of the M-1 champions Untouchable and Black Mayonnaise and their current thoughts on M-1 are also revealed! Of course, the exchange at the supermarket is also a must-see! The four-part series can be found here 👇 • [Black Mayonnaise Kosugi & Takizawa Karen on a trip to Kagawa for Sanuki udon] OP ~ Unexplored udon edition • [Black Mayonnaise Kosugi & Takizawa Karen on a trip to Kagawa ②] The birth of Costachio • [Black Mayonnaise Kosugi x You on a hilarious car ride] Kagawa udon trip ③ • [The story behind the formation of You x Black Mayonnaise] Kagawa udon trip final episode Official X / @un_touchable_tv Official TikTok / un_touchable_tv Official Instagram / un_touchable_tv #Untouchable #Untouchable's quick visit #Yamazaki Hiroya #Shibata Eiji #Zakiyama #Variety #Unreleased #Black Mayonnaise #Black Mayonnaise #Black Mayonnaise Kosugi #Kosugi Ryuichi #Takizawa Karen #Kagawa #Udon #Sanuki udon #Costachio #Cospanman #M-1 #M-1 champion