#abandonmentwound #trauma #kptbs What is the abandonment wound? The abandonment wound is a psychological trauma that occurs when people often had the feeling of being abandoned or left alone in their childhood. There can be various causes for this abandonment, such as neglect, separation of parents, the death of a loved one or the lack of a secure attachment figure. People who have experienced the abandonment wound often carry a deep fear of being alone or abandoned well into adulthood. This fear can affect various areas of life, such as relationships, friendships or work. It can be difficult to build trust with other people and to feel safe and secure. Those affected often also develop strategies to avoid the fear of abandonment, such as constant control or avoiding closeness. However, the abandonment wound can be healed by dealing with the traumatic experiences, seeking professional help and building new, healthy bonds. The abandonment wound is not the fault of the person affected, but the result of traumatic experiences in the past. Healing and transformation of the abandonment wound can take place through a loving and supportive environment. I look forward to seeing you! Your Gabriella???? ✅ Get 3 free e-books for a better understanding of trauma, cPTSD (ICD-11) and borderline in everyday life and in the work environment! ► https://bit.ly/3KcCtbj ---------------------- Subscribe to my channel for free: https://bit.ly/3Trxp5h healing the abandonment wound, overcoming the abandonment wound, resolving the abandonment wound, trauma, healing developmental trauma Gabriella Rist, healing developmental trauma, resolving old survival strategies, uncovering the hidden trauma, abandonment trauma, abandonment, cptbs, dissociation, emotional abuse, abandonment anxiety, abandonment wound, abandonment, nervous system regulation, developmental trauma Gabriella Rist, cptsd, complex trauma, abandonment, fear