At the anniversary festival in Moscow, Elena Braun performed in the genre of “medieval detective” and told the story of Edward IV’s sons Richard and Edward, whose cause of death was surrounded by various versions and myths. #digitalhistory #egoryakovlev #festivals #elenabraunci Support the Digital History project: Sponsr — https://sponsr.ru/dhistory/ Sberbank: 4276-5500-7886-1070 Donationalerts — https://www.donationalerts.com/r/digh... Yandex.Money (YuMoney): 410012000113107 Sponsorship on YouTube: / @dhistory Digital History bookstore: https://digital-history.ru/ Our platforms: RuTube - https://rutube.ru/channel/23600725/ VK - https://vk.com/dighistory Telegram - https://t.me/egoryakovleff Yandex Zen: https://dzen.ru/dhistory