Welcome to Briz Horor Channel We capture stories, myths, legends, life experiences around the invisible world. Because they always exist side by side with humans... JAMU MBOK DARSIH by Gibran's mother / nok.ieta.9 BRIZ HORROR THE SECRET OF STAYING YOUNG MBOK DARSIH ❗ THE FETAL PREDATOR - LATEST HORROR STORY ❗ FULL VERSION Mbok Darsih, an old woman who is suspected of being over 100 years old, continues to try to stay young, she refuses to grow old. Mbok Darsih has a pet supernatural creature named Bagol, but to stay young, Mbok Darsih must give Bagol food in the form of fresh fetuses. How does Mbok Darsih get these fetuses so that she stays young? #mysticalclimbing #horrorstorystory #latesthorror2023 #truemysterystory #threadhorror #mountainclimbing #pesugihan #longdistancepesugihan #sadstorythatmakesyoucry #horror story,mystery,horror podcast,mystery podcast,horror story,mystery story,historical facts,briz mystical news,briz,prasodjo muhammad,riyan agus widodo