Patrizia Brigidi Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna On the occasion of Bacteriart3, a project born from the collaboration between Naba (Nuova accademia di belle arti) and Yakult and which saw students challenge each other on how to make visible, through art, the micro-world that inhabits our intestine, we met Patrizia Brigidi, one of the major national and international experts on microbiota. From her, the story of how the intestinal microbiota evolves over time, how this evolution correlates with our state of health and what interventions we can hypothesize to guarantee longevity and well-being. Nutrients and Supplements Qualified information for qualified professionals Visit the site ➜ http://www.nutrientiesupplementi.it Correct and documented scientific information in the field of nutrition and integration. Nutrients and Supplements is an editorial project of iFarma, created by journalists and editors with decades of experience in the field of health. Facebook ➜ / nutriesupplementi LinkedIn ➜ / nutriesupplementi Subscribe to the free weekly newsletter aimed at health professionals in the nutrition field ➜ http://www.nutrientiesupplementi.it/form Contacts: [email protected] Editorial director: Dario Passoni Editor in chief: Nicola Miglino #nutrition #integration #nutraceuticals