Europeans have achieved incredible results in growing hydrangeas quickly, using interesting methods such as trimming the bushes to make them more lush. However, one of the most impressive tricks is growing several seedlings in one pot. In this video, we will look at this very method. Why do European florists not indicate the age of the plant, but only give the size of the pot? This is due to the fact that they are able to grow large bushes of hydrangeas in one season! I will show you an example (hydrangeas of the QUICK FIRE FAB variety) of a 5-liter pot in which as many as 3 hydrangea seedlings are growing! After shaking off the clod of earth, I got three separate plants ready for transplanting. Watch the video to learn more about quickly growing, propagating and feeding hydrangeas. European secrets of fast growing hydrangea can be useful to you too! I took apart one hydrangea bush — and got three beauties for the price of one!