Plot: Feriha Yılmaz lives with her family as tenants in the basement of a luxurious building in Etiler, a high-society neighborhood. Feriha receives a scholarship to study at a university for young millionaires, so over time she becomes the center of attention even of Emir Sarrafoglu (a millionaire boy who dates many girls who are actresses and models). Feriha and Emir fall in love with the passage of time and some circumstances, but as that love grows, Feriha finds herself increasingly trapped in her lies, involving two people in them who unintentionally or unknowingly begin to help her. Feriha was on the verge of being discovered many times; However, this does not happen until an old friend (who actually hates her because she cannot have Emir's love) from the building where she lives sets a trap for her, in this way Emir discovers that Feriha is actually the daughter of the building's janitor and more than hating her for her social class, he feels great resentment towards her because he thinks that she approached him out of interest. To subscribe to the official YouTube channel: https://goo.gl/CNpak4 Adını Feriha Koydum Resmi YouTube Kanalı: https://goo.gl/4cFkkM To subscribe to the official Med Yapım channel: https://goo.gl/ZFpCky Cast: Vahide Gördüm Hazal Kaya Çağatay Ulusoy Metin Çekmez h Selçuk Ceyda Ateş Yusuf Akgün Deniz Uğur Ahu Sungur Barış Kılıç Ufuk Tan Altunkaya Pelin Ermiş Sedef Şahin Feyza Civelek