IMPORTANT! I want you to read this????♀️ This is another film from the mountain rivers series. The film is made up of three days of fishing. 1- trout 2- two trout And day three - one trout. See for yourself! THE STORE THAT SUPPORTS ME✅ https://www.fishingstore.pl FAVORITE CATALOG: https://ibis-gear.pl ROD FROM THE MOVIE: "Mikado Progressive 3-16": https://www.fishingstore.pl/product-p... REEL: https://www.fishingstore.pl/product-p... Stingers: https://www.fishingstore.pl/search.ph... SELECT LURES: https://pl.select-fishing.com/pdf-cat... I AM ALSO LEAVING YOU LINKS TO FUNPAGE FAVORITE AND SELECT, Also supporting brands: / favoritefishingpoland / selectfishingpoland links to my social media ???? ???? If you would like to support me in what I do, please visit tipply ☺️ https://tipply.pl/u/storecki ???? Instagram - / typ_od_ryb ???? TikTok - / storreckimordo #angling #troutfishing #spinning