Producers from São Francisco Xavier have come together to form an association and are exhibiting their products at Ponto Rural, next to the UPA at the entrance to the city. The store is open on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm and on Sundays from 10 am to 3 pm. The fair will be open on Saturdays and holidays at the same location, but check the association's Instagram to confirm the days and times. / produtosdaterrasfx In the store you will find the products below: Crafts: mandalas, dish towels, rag dolls, keychains, decorative pieces, notebooks and diaries with botanical prints and others, bags, frivolité earrings, photographs, paintings, embroidery in general. Food: breads, cakes, kombuchas, craft beers, chocolates, cookies, pasta, preserves, honey, free-range eggs, milk, cheeses and derivatives, dulce de leche, goat milk and derivatives, ready-made meals, desserts, jussara pulp, black garlic, options for restrictive diets, plants, natural cosmetics, aromatic candles, dried herbs for smoking, cheese bread, esfirras, coxinha, liqueurs, etc... Soundtrack by Lucas Barros from the Violas de Barros channel / @violasdebarros