She can feel the different layers of skin under her fingers, says Regina. She earns her money as a physiotherapist in Werneck, Franconia. People with health problems come to her every day and her job is to help patients with her physiotherapy treatment options. Her shoulder hurts, her back hurts or her fingers are numb: Regina's normal day-to-day work. In her job as a physiotherapist, she always has to have her knowledge at hand in order to be able to make a good diagnosis and use her skills correctly. The following applies to her training profession: further training, further training, further training. Of course, this costs money, but it is also reflected in her salary, which increases with the training. Regina often treats patients after operations or accidents and helps them regain their quality of life. She also accompanies cancer patients who come to her for lymphatic drainage. "It's a mixture of all emotions all day," she tells us in an interview. For Is it worth it? she reveals her finances in the film and gives an insight into her varied everyday working life. She has realized that the most valuable thing she has is her knowledge, as she regularly spends a lot of money on further training. She believes that you know very little after completing your physiotherapy training - there are countless further training courses you can complete in this field. However, these training courses are not cheap. Regina calculates that she will spend €200 a month on further training. So far she has completed the following training courses: 1) Manual therapy €3789; 2) Scoliosis therapy €1250; 3) Alternative practitioner €3300 (so far); Osteopathy €5500 (so far). More information about her job and salary: Working hours Regina works 38 hours a week. She has around 19 patients in one day - although the number varies as she works shorter hours on Mondays and Fridays and longer hours on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Training Regina paid a lot for her training. Physiotherapy is a school-based training for which for a long time monthly tuition fees had to be paid. Regina's training cost €15,580. Today, school fees have been abolished in many places. Salary Regina receives a monthly gross salary of €3,458 - which works out to a net salary of €2,218. In comparison, her salary is higher. Regina's annual gross salary is €41,496 - on top of that she receives a training allowance of €1,000 once a year. Insurance For physiotherapists, occupational disability insurance can be very useful. If they have problems with their hands, they cannot continue to do their job. That's why Regina pays €100 a month into occupational disability insurance. €130 goes into a Riester pension and €6 into liability insurance. Surplus Regina lives very frugally. She is currently parking her surplus of €872 in the bank. However, she plans to invest the money in ETFs or other assets soon. Mobility Regina spends €223 a month on fuel and insurance. Food & clothing Regina spends just €120 a month on food. She doesn't need anything at lunchtime, for example, while at work, and only eats in the evening. In total, her expenses for food & clothing are €175. --- Want exciting documentaries & reports or cool series & films? Then check out the ARD Mediathek: https://1.ard.de/Start-ARD-Mediathek --- This is "Is it worth it?": One person, one job, one life. And at the end of the day, the question: Is it worth it? We accompany people in their jobs and show their lives. Is it worth it to work for a salary and use it to finance your own life? What makes me happy at work? We don't just compare salaries, we show how people live from their work. If you also want to show how you live with your job, feel free to write to [email protected]! On a personal note: We are not infallible either - and although we make every effort to present every individual financial situation clearly, correctly and understandably, we sometimes need help. The Bavarian State Association of Tax Advisory and Auditing Professions provides us with expert support – thank you very much for that! Author & Editor: Anna Ellmann Camera: Ludwig Spöttl CvD: Eva Limmer, Benedikt Angermeier Editor: Eva Limmer, Manuela Baldauf