an inspiring story from Andre Taulany, where before becoming a Sultan Andre was once paid a small salary for the breadwinner of the family. not to mention Andre telling the story of his first honorarium when he was in a band with Stinky. there is still much more that Andre will tell including the turmoil of his household, let's just watch the ALELDUL and Bunda Maia family channel. #maiaestianty, #andretaulany, #bank employee, #Stinky #story #inspirational story #inspirational story #sad story #success story #small salary #salary #reportsir #comedian #comedian #gossip #singer #andretaulanytv #andretaulanydanistri Continue to support the MAIA ALELDUL TV channel by subscribing, clicking like, and giving comments, and sharing each video with your friends or beloved family. We are always waiting for your suggestions and input ideas. For ENDORSEMENT: CP ADEL: +62811122128