Documentary directed by Luis E. Togores Sánchez and produced by the CEU Institute of Historical Studies. In the 21st century, the legacy of Rome remains the main foundation on which the culture, language, laws, customs and a large part of the ways of life of the Spanish people are based. Roman civilization left an enormous legacy in Spain that today, 1,600 years later, means that our nation cannot be understood without understanding it. The feature film includes interviews with María del Mar Gabaldón, Amalio de Marichalar, Eduardo Kavanagh, Juan Manuel Blanch and Marco Almansa, with the special collaboration of Santiago Cantera, Serafín Fanjul, Luis A. García Moreno, Antonio Malalana, Jorge Morín and Alejandro Rodríguez de la Peña. Filming of historical recreation with figuration in the following enclaves: Albacete (Libisosa site), Lugo (walls and archaeological remains of the province), León (archaeological sites), Numancia (museum and archaeological site), Valladolid (Roman villa). With the collaboration of, among others, the Soria 21 Forum for Sustainable Development. Duration: 52 minutes