https://vk.com/polunochband https://t.me/PolunochBand https://music.yandex.ru/artist/222120... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE RISE AND FALL OF SYSTEM OF A DOWN I IS SERJ TANKIAN TO BLAME? SO AS NOT TO GET LOST: https://vk.com/resonance_of - public https://t.me/AlanResonance - telegram https://boosty.to/alan_resonance - boost (additional content) Serj Tankian, Daron Malakian, John Dolmayan and Shavo Odadjian, having united, created one of the brightest rock projects. But their rapid success rather quickly came to an unexpected creative pause. The band's last album was released as much as 20 years ago. But what is the reason? Let's figure it out. Enjoy watching! Voluntary donation for channel development: Yandex - 410012859781229 Sberbank - 4276 5500 4990 6178 #systemofadown #soad #metal #music #music #rock