**If you found the content helpful, subscribe and like👍 To quickly see new information, 🔔Set notifications!** Collaboration inquiries: [email protected] As the retirement age of first-generation Korean immigrants in the US approaches, there is a lot of interest in reverse immigration to their home country and acquisition of dual citizenship. In this video, listen to MoneyDonna's thoughts and opinions on reverse immigration! In the next video, we will come back with content about realistic financial issues when reverse immigration. I hope this was helpful to your immigration life, and don't forget to subscribe to the MoneyDonna channel, like, and set the alarm! :) #ReverseImmigration #DualCitizenship #Korea #USA #USImmigration #USImmigrationLife #Immigration #USLifeInformation #KoreanKoreanImmigration #RetirementPlanning #RetirementPlanning #LivingInUSA #RetirementLife #RetirementPreparation #Retirement #Retirement #LifeAfterRetirement #Travel #LivingInKorea #TravelInKorea #RetirementMeasures #RetirementPreparation #RetirementLivingExpenses #RetirementLifeAfterRetirement #PreparationForRetirement