The Bear-San branded Roller was the last bear weapon to come out, and it's become my favorite weapon! I've previously released a video of me pulling goldfish with a Dynamo, and it was a project I've always wanted to do since the Bear Roller came out!! It was fun!! [BGM and other materials] ・DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/ ・Sound Effect Lab https://soundeffect-lab.info/ ・Niconico Commons https://commons.nicovideo.jp/ ・Character illustration Nagipon / relativity_eins ・OtoLogic https://otologic.jp/ ・Pocket Sound https://pocket-se.info/ ・Maoudamashii https://maou.audio/ ・OKUMONO https://sozaino.site/f ・On-Jin ~Otojin~ https://on-jin.com/ ・Chaba no Gika / @nogika_chaba #Splatoon3 #Splatoon3 #SlowLive #Samouran #SalmonRun