The Kingdom of Asturias greatly expanded its borders under King Alfonso III of Asturias (866-910), nicknamed the Great. In this episode we see most aspects of his reign and the last years of his father Ordoño, for example with the origins of Castile and Portugal as counties, the society and integration of that Castile county into a higher political entity, or the tragic story of the end of Alfonso's reign with the revolt of his sons and the division of the Kingdom of Asturias, the first step towards the transition of the Kingdom of Asturias to the Kingdom of León. Check the script and sources here ???? https://lahistoriaespana.com/el-reina... ???? SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell ???? --------------------- ???? Website and store: https://lahistoriaespana.com ???? PATREON: / lahistoriaespana ???? DISCORD: / discord ???? TikTok: / lahistoriaespana ???? Twitter: / historiaxespana ???? Instagram: / lahistoriaespana ???? Facebook: / lahistoriaespana --------------------- CONTENTS: 00:00 Hook 00:34 The end of Musa ibn Musa 05:28 The conditions of the Asturian expansion 10:15 The birth of the county of Castile 17:31 Settlement and power in the county of Castile 24:35 Alfonso the Great, king in Asturias 30:07 Expansion on the western flank. The county of Portucalense and Coimbra 34:52 Ibn al-Qitt and the day of Zamora 39:41 Revolts and conspiracies. The division of the Kingdom of Asturias 44:05 The Verdict: Alfonso, a not so great king 45:33 Preview and outro #history #middleages #asturias