Connect VoLTE from MegaFon and enjoy crystal clear sound. It's free - https://bit.ly/3g8IY0d In this issue, we talk about the red sky paradox and its solutions. About red dwarfs and the prevalence of life in the galaxy. For advertising and cooperation inquiries [email protected] Telegram channel Cosmos Prosto: https://t.me/cosmosprosto VK Cosmos Prosto: https://vk.com/cosmosprosto Support the project “Cosmos Prosto”: Patreon: / cosmosprosto Yandex Money: https://money.yandex.ru/to/4100128004... Donation Alerts: http://www.donationalerts.ru/r/endgvard Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/cosmosprosto My video on the second channel about “cosmic” tiktoks: • I watch tiktoks about space (everything is bad) My video about cosmic factors of the existence of life on Earth • Without this, there would be no life on Earth /... 00:00 - Beginning 01:51 - Integration 03:17 - Paradox and the first solution 07:11 - Red sky and red dwarfs 13:06 - Other solutions Sources: Nearest stars https://www.space.com/18964-the-neare... https://astrosociety.org/file_downloa... The red sky paradox https://www.pnas.org/content/118/26/e... https://arxiv.org/pdf/2106.11207.pdf https://www.sciencealert.com/why-the-... https://astrobites.org/2021/08/24/red... Red dwarfs https://www.space.com/23772-red-dwarf... https://astronomy.com/magazine/2019/0... https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/lhartm/re... Number of red dwarfs https://www.mpm.edu/planetarium-newsl... https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1214/ https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/news/re... Color https://astronomy.com/magazine/ask-as... https://earthsky.org/tonight/can-you-... https://skyandtelescope.org/astronomy... https://astronomy.com/magazine/glenn-... Star Color Chart http://www.vendian.org/mncharity/dir3... Sky on Different Bodies • NASA Scientist Simulates Kaleidoscope... Flashes on Red Dwarfs https://www.space.com/proxima-centaur... Giant Planet Around a Red Dwarf https://www.space.com/gas-giant-alien... PMS Stars Https://lweb.cfa.harvard.edu/~pberlin...