Watch the first video we made at Sïtio do PicaPau Amarelo 15 years ago. • TOUR AT THE SITIO DO PICAPAU AMARELO -... Sítio do Pica-Pau Amarelo, a great classic of Brazilian literature, by Monteiro Lobato, which became a series in the 70s, filled dreams, stirred the imagination and marked an era in Brazil. Narizinho, Pedrinho, Emília, Tia Nastácia, Dona Benta, Visconde de Sabugosa, Marquês de Rabicó, Cuca, Tio Barnabé and Saci, among many other characters, made everyone's fun! Did you know that the “real site of the Yellow Woodpecker” is in SP and can be visited? The farm is where the writer Monteiro Lobato lived in the 1910s with his wife and children. The place has a lot of nature and is in a grotão region, surrounded by lots of greenery and a series of mountains, typical of the region. Sweets, cheese and honey are sold. Lunches are only served on weekends and holidays. It is also possible to reserve a date to do A Day at the Site, which includes tickets for the visit, self-service lunch, with dessert and refreshments. Reservations must be made in advance on the phone/WhatsApp (12) 99733-8999 with Adriana.