Discover the truth about living abroad: 6 months living in Germany, challenges and learnings! 📝 Motivation Letter Template: https://bit.ly/cartademotivacaowh 🔻 Other important links 🔻 ✅ Create your BLOCKED ACCOUNT in Germany with Expatrio Use the link https://www.expatrio.com?f=franciellim1 or enter the code franciellim1 ✅ Open your GERMAN account at N26: https://n26.com/r/franciem4077 🔴 Useful links for your TRIP and EXCHANGE 💶 WISE: Get FEES-FREE transfers of up to R$3,000 reais: https://bit.ly/3W6iQ8E 🧹 Start Working with Helpling ZERO registration FEE: https://bit.ly/helplingsemtaxa [without link you pay €49] 🎟️ Tickets and Attractions around the world: https://bit.ly/42MkwZI 👩🏻💻 Online English Classes 70% OFF on the first class: https://bit.ly/3QzdKR4 🔏 Affordable Travel Insurance for your trip/exchange: https://bit.ly/seguroviagemfranmartins 📲 Contacts and Social Networks Instagram: / franciellimartinss Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@franciellimar...