For those of you who are worried about your legs that keep swelling, for those of you who work standing up all day or for no particular reason, we will tell you what causes your legs to swell and how to prevent it! The first cause of leg swelling is internal factors. Edema can occur if there is a problem with the heart, liver, or kidneys. However, if your legs swell without these diseases, it may be due to orthopedic factors. Bone expert Dr. Jaewoong Yoon will tell you the causes and treatments of leg swelling! Please refer to this video and become healthier. Bone pain doctor Jaewoong Yoon (uploaded every Thursday at 5 PM) - Gangnam YK Hospital Jaewoong Yoon, CEO Gangnam YK Hospital http://www.ykhospital.co.kr/ Blog https://blog.naver.com/flyfree201 YouTube / @yk-nz1wi Naver TV https://tv.naver.com/ykhospital #Whenyourlegsareswollen #Swellingoflegs #Edemaofthelowerlegs #Edemaofthelegs #Veininthelowerlegs #Calfstrength #Lowerbodystrength #Stretching #Bonepaindoctor #JaewoongYoon