Sueli Carneiro, the Raciality Device and the profusion of discourses around necropolitics: nuances for thinking about Brazil The class will attempt to outline a joint reading of Sueli Carneiro's doctoral thesis and Achille Mbembe's debates around Necropolitics. The idea is to perceive how the common matrix of perception of biopolitics in the author and in the author led to different perceptions for the reading of the state's power of death, as well as to perceive to what extent we can use, without mediation, the category of necropolitics to read Brazilian reality. The general hypothesis of the discussion is that the notion of the raciality device, forged by Sueli Carneiro, presents elements that consider much more the nuances of Brazil's racial history, while the notion of Necropolitics, although useful for our context, was conceived based on other historical records and with theoretical commitments that are far from those that an interpretation of Brazil demands of us. More than opposing the concepts of necropolitics and raciality devices, this class aims to position them in a contextual manner within the current Brazilian reality. With this, it will be possible to know to what extent we can use each of these concepts without trivializing them or making invisible the effort produced by Brazilian thought to understand the relations between state, politics and the power of death. #casasuelicarneiro #suelicarneiro