Game of Thrones has left many questions unanswered throughout its eight seasons. Although it is the greatest series of all time, and even with George RR Martin's books contextualizing a lot of things, there are some plots that could have had a better resolution. Some of these mysteries were answered through A Song of Ice and Fire, others were solved in the spin-off series - House of the Dragon. However, some things will be a mystery forever - or until George RR Martin solves everything. Well, who knows, maybe the Jon Snow series won't bring some answers too (if it happens). First video: Abandoned Plots in Game of Thrones: • ALL THE ABANDONED PLOTS IN GAME OF... All about SNOW: • OFFICIAL: Everything we REALLY know ... Jon Snow's video mentioned: • (GoT) Jon Snow The White Wolf * #gameofthrones #ventosdoinverno #houseofthedragon #seasonfinale #georgerrmartin * GOT DECORATION: Targaryen Lamp: https://shopee.com.br/Lumin%C3%A1ria-... Westeros Map Frame: https://shopee.com.br/Quadro-Decorati... Lannister Totem: https://shopee.com.br/Totem-Lannister... Rhaenyra Totem: https://shopee.com.br/Totem-Rhaenyra-... Alicent Totem: https://shopee.com.br/Totem-Lady-Alic... Hand of the King Brooch: https://shopee.com.br/Em-Estoque-New-... * Buy the GOT Saga Books: https://amzn.to/3IylCO8 Equipment: Camera: https://amzn.to/3sGveQ3 Microphone: https://amzn.to/3uUzWfN Ring Light: https://amzn.to/368cqS9 Tripod: https://amzn.to/3Bti2SD