According to Quantum Physics, an object can pass through a barrier even though it does not have enough energy. This phenomenon is called Quantum Tunneling. Can it be applied to humans so that they can pass through walls like The Flash, Vision, and other superheroes? Watch this video until the end! REFERENCES: Animation vs. Physics (Alan Becker) • Animation vs. Physics Atoms - You Never Touch Anything • Atoms - You Never Touch Anything [wit... Voyage into the world of atoms • Voyage into the world of atoms What is Quantum Tunneling? Neil deGrasse Tyson • What is Quantum Tunneling? Neil deG... The Story of Quantum Tunneling • The Story of Quantum Tunneling [& How... Quantum 101 Episode 9: Quantum Tunneling Explained • Quantum 101 Episode 9: Quantum Tunnel... What is General Relativity? • What is General Relativity? Zooming upto universe to atomic level • The possible zoom in and zoom out Z... Physicist Calculates the Probability of The Flash Phasing Through Walls • Physicist Calculates the Probability... How the Sun Shines: The Nuclear Reactions that Power the Sun • How the Sun Shines: The Nuclear React... Why Does the SUN SHINE? The Quantum Mechanical Reason! • Why Does the SUN SHINE? The Quantum M... The Magical Leaf: The Quantum Mechanics of Photosynthesis • The Magical Leaf: The Quantum Mechani... MOVIES: The Flash (2023) Man of Steel (2013) (2010) Avengers: Endgame (2019) Genius: Einstein (2017) #theflash #quantumphysics