[Hikmah 47] Imam Ibn Atha'illah as-Sakandari rahimahullah said: Do not abandon remembrance due to your lack of presence with Allah in it, because your heedlessness of the presence of His remembrance is more severe than your heedlessness of the presence of His remembrance. It may raise you from remembrance with the presence of heedlessness to remembrance with the presence of wakefulness, and from remembrance with the presence of wakefulness to remembrance with the presence of presence, and from remembrance with the presence of presence to remembrance with the presence of absence from what is other than what is mentioned, and that is not upon Allah. Dearest, Karena kelalaianmu (terhadap Allah) ketika tidak berdzikir itu bih buruk ketimbang kelalaianmu ketika berdzikir. Mudah-mudahan Allah berkenan mengangkatmu dari dzikir penuh kelalaian menuju dzikir penuh kesadaran. I have no choice but to use the menu I want to use and choose from. Dan dari dzikir yang disemangati kehadiran-Nya menuju zikir yang meniadakan selain-Nya” Playlist : • Kitab Hikam Ibn Athaillah ———————————————————————— Syarah Kitab Al-Hikam Ibnu Atai'llah As-Sakandari Kitab Al-Hikam adalah buah karya Syekh Ibnu Atha'illah, mursyid ketiga dari Thariqah Syadziliyah. Adapun pendiri pertama syadziliyah adalah Syekh Abu Hasan Ali Asy-Syadzili, the next Maroko and the middle one of Iskandariah, Mesir and wafat pada 1258 M. Penggantinya adalah Syekh Abu Abbas Al-Mursi, where he is in Murcia, Andalusia, Spain (wafat di tahun 12 87 M), and then return to the Syekh Ibnu Atha'illah. Syekh Ibnu Atha'illah hidup di Mesir di masa kekuasaan Dinasti Mamluk. Beliau lahir in this Alexandria (Iskandariyah), better, lalu pindah keiro. There is a lot of information that can be used to keep the information connected to Fikih Mazhab Imam Maliki in the internet. Ibn Atha'illah has a long list of products. That's what happened 20 days ago. It is better to say tasawuf, tafsir, akidah, hadiths, nahwu, and ushul fiqh. Dari beberapa karyanya itu yang paling terkenal adalah Kitab Al-Hikam yang disebut-sebut sebagai magnum opus beliau. Al-Hikam also added a kit with a different bag for the pejalan (salik), and for the rest of the world the whole bag was set for the pejalan untuk men of spiritual perjalanan. Al-Hikam berisi berbagai terminologi suluk yang ketat, yang merujuk pada berbagai istilah dalam Al-Qur'an. Video asli: facebook Habib Ali Zaenal Abidin Al Hamid. Subscribe @khaihanorman.channel #kitabhikam #habibalizaenalabidin #khaihanormanhki