Drama Title: The Burning Sun Genres: Romance, Drama, Comedy, School Also known as: The Burning Sun, 暖暖向阳光 Number of episodes: 23 mini-episodes ????Description: The lives of Qiu Ming Yang and Yu Kui did not intersect, but thanks to the fact that their relatives became spouses, they also became nominal relatives, although they did not suspect each other's existence. A sudden car accident took the lives of Qiu Ming Yang's sister and Yu Kui's brother, leaving behind only a mentally unstable child, Zi Zhi. For the sake of their nephew, they began to live together, but suspicious circumstances related to the accident made them doubt. In search of the truth, they involuntarily began to have different feelings for each other. ????Dubbed by: MIN-Dub Studio ✨The best Chinese dramas in Russian✨ Subscribe to our channel and you will not regret it! #drama #film #cinema #series