Welcome to the IBNU Bible study, also called pneumatology, the study of the biblical teaching on the Holy Spirit. And today we will talk about how you can observe the Holy Spirit, starting with the New Testament. The topic of today's video will be Baptism and Filling of the Holy Spirit, talking about what the Bible teaches us about this very important subject. At the beginning of this video we will talk about the Holy Spirit in the history of the church, starting with Pentecost, going through the harvest festival and arriving at Acts 2 verse 1 onwards. In this part we will analyze the presence of the Holy Spirit in the first times it appears in the Bible. During the video we will talk a little more about the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit, analyzing passages and verses from the Bible that deal with the subject. To see more about religious studies, learn more about Ezekiel in the Bible, the other books of the Bible and better understand what the verses in the Bible mean and what message they seek to convey, subscribe to the channel and activate the bell! Contribute to IBNU projects: PIX Key (CNPJ): 08.802.770/0001-60 Banco Bradesco Ag. 1445-1 CC. 35400-7 https://www.ibnu.com.br/contribua Teen Room: / discord Learn more: [email protected] https://www.ibnu.com.br Follow us: / ibnusaopaulo / ibnusp