"Kingdom: The Return of the Great General" is the fourth installment in the live-action film series based on the historical manga "Kingdom" by Yasuhisa Hara. It depicts the continuation of the "Battle of Mayang" in the previous film "Kingdom: Flames of Fate," in which Shin and Ouki fought an all-out battle against the neighboring country of Zhao. The film reunites a star-studded cast including Yamazaki Kento, Yoshizawa Ryo, Hashimoto Kanna, and Nagasawa Masami, and we share our thoughts on this film, including spoilers, in which we can expect great things from Ouki, played by Osawa Takao. ■CastYamada Shuka (Freelance Writer) Takeshima Rui (Freelance Writer) 00:00 No spoilers20:00 Spoiler talkIGN JAPAN staff chat about the latest movies and dramas#impressions #review #commentary #analysis #Kingdom #Ouki■Playlist for "Popcorn on the Silver Screen" • [Updated every Friday] Popcorn on the Silver Screen ■Podcast version iTunes https://itun.es/i6dS29S Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/0oqAeYZ... ――――――――――― IGN JAPAN: http://jp.ign.com/ Twitter: / ignjapan Facebook: / ignjapan Comment submission rules: http://jp.ign.com/ign-japan/21173/edi...