@LesEntretiensSecrets: George Sand, The Pink Cloud, Tales of a Grandmother, Michel Lévy brothers, Paris, 1874. / lesentretien. . Sound effects and sounds: Les Entretiens Secrets Composition, editing and voice: Mojoon Clarinetist: Manuel Amadei-Giuseppi NB: For a better reading, I encourage you to wear headphones :) Referencing: #audiostory #georgesand #LeNuageRose #audioliterature #frenchaudiobook #audiostory #sleep #asmr #sleepstory #sleepstory Chapters: 00:00 - Introduction 00:01:47 - I 00:13:50 - II 00:16:21 - III 00:23:28 - IV 00:31:44 - V 00:38:57 - VI 00:45:45 - VII 00:50:30 - VIII 00:55:41 - IX 01:02:26 - X 01:07:50 - XI 01:14:36 - XII 01:22:47 - XIII 01:25:43 - XIV 01:32:07 - XV